Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday in Guarulhos

Hello folks and greetings from Guarulhos!!
Hope everyone had a great day today. We are back in our rooms. Britt is studying right now, he has to lead his devotion group tomorrow morning. We will have to cut this blog short, because we have to be showered, fed and devotioned up before being on the bus at 7:00 (Brazil time). So if you know Britt and I at all, then that should tell you we are probably going to be in big trouble. My devotion group all but applauded me this morning for being only 3 minutes late...and that was our first devotion meeting...ugh!
Okay, now for a quick recap of our day. We went to a baptist church in Guarulhos for their worship service (3 hours long). Yes, Britt played his harmonica. And yes, everyone loved it. This was the church that does a lot of caring for the poor and orphans in their town. So it was through them that we were able to come. After lunch, we got to come back to our hotel for about an hour for a nap. Then we loaded all of the medicine on the bus and went to the church where we will be holding the clinic. Wow! Tiny! It will be very interesting to see how it will all work tomorrow. We organized the place and the medicine and then took a supper break. Then it was time for the next church service (lots of singing). The children from the church sang a song that was awesome. They were so into it. They knew every word.
We or maybe just I am picking back a lot of the portuguese I left behind last time. I had about a ten minute conversation with an excited little boy after church without a translator. That was fun.
Britt and I are both very excited to find out what tomorrow holds. They believe we should see anywhere from 500 to 1,000 people this week. We did some prayer walking and talked with a few of the people on the streets today. They seemed very empty inside and eager to know more about why we came. Hopefully they will show up to the clinic and hear about the love God has for each of them. I weep thinking of the look in their eyes because of the hopelessness they feel. Our clinic is on a huge hill and we can see for miles and miles. I think I am too tired to upload any photos tonight, but maybe I can get several of them on here tomorrow evening.
Continue praying for us...we love you all dearly!
Britt and Lindsay

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Britt and Lindsay

I am praying for you both and hope that God will bless your work there. You are both have many talents that the Lord has given you and God will use them for his glory there.